The New Banag-Banag Logo


Banagbanag LogoBanag-banag, the Visayan term for “sunrise”  has a new logo.

Its colours - red for love, blue for peace and yellow for hope 

represent the colours of the Philippine flag.

The round logo symbolizes a ship's porthole: a window from where the traveler looks towards the horizon- there one sees the dawn of a new day, in a new country.

The Banag-banag letters lean forward - symbolizing the waves of the sea - the forward moving waves underscore Filipino dynamism in Australia.

The rising sun’s  9  rays represent the 9 major Philippine islands –

7 from the Visayas and one each for Luzon and Mindanao.

The rays also reflect the Opera House sails  - catching the southern star:

Overall, the logo is a trip back in time when we –you and I – and all of us, saw the rising Australian sun the first time.

It is a snapshot of the migrant’s safe arrival.

The logo of Banag-banag, symbolizes the dawn of  a new day in a new home.

In closing friends, here’s my wish and prayer to us all:

"From your porthole may you see seas unruffled and skies of blue.  But when the winds come, have faith that He who sent you will keep you on course."  God bless us all.


Western Union